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March Open committee meeting,

Now What?

Wednesday, March 13th, 6:00 - 7:30 pm.

Hosted By: Perkins Eastman,

At our recent open committee meeting in March, we had the pleasure of welcoming two AIA|DC board members, Abigail Brown and Mika Naraynsingh, to chat with us. Both alumni of the EAC, they shared some insights about those "Now what?" moments we all experience in our lives and careers.

We've all been there - that moment after a big achievement or a major disappointment when we just don't know what to do next. Abi and Mika shared how these moments led them to become more involved with AIA and how it has shaped their careers.

Mika opened up about experiencing burnout and questioning, “is it supposed to feel like this?” and, “how can we make the profession better?” She found solace and growth through her involvement with AIA, learning the importance of setting boundaries to combat feelings of stagnation and burnout.

On the other hand, Abi felt disconnected from her firm culture and was looking to connect with other architects. Getting involved with AIA allowed her to exercise more autonomy and align her interests with her professional endeavors.

One common theme in both their stories was how these "Now what?" moments often bring our personal values into focus. When our current roles don't align with our values, it's crucial to identify and advocate for change. By taking on leadership roles within AIA, both Mika and Abi gained the confidence and skills to advocate for themselves and others in their firms and communities.

It was truly inspiring to hear their stories and see how community engagement opportunities within AIA can help emerging professionals develop their interests and skills. So, whether you're feeling a bit lost in your career or just looking to connect with like-minded individuals, consider getting involved with AIA locally or even nationally. You never know where it might lead you!

March, Catholic University,

New Building Tour.

The EAC toured of Catholic University's Garvey Hall and Conway School of Nursing. Two newly/soon to be finished collegiate gothic-themed buildings for the university. In partnership with the Building Enclosure Council, the tour featured architects, envelope consultants, and contractors from the projects who walked the group through the different approaches of the enclosure detailing. Thank you to those who were able to come out, we look forward to our next building tour!

February Open committee meeting,

Work-Life Balance

Wednesday, February 7th, 6:00 - 7:30 pm.

Location: WDG

The committee talked about lots of heavy-hitting items often on the minds of emerging architects. Pay transparency, unspoken expectations, and unions were significant topics of conversation. Interest was piqued, wondering, “How could organizing afford us all a better experience collectively?”. Our generation desires a path to equal opportunity for all. We all agreed we’d like to understand better how advocacy could support this vision of equity. 

We used a new system to submit answers live and anonymously to the questions on-screen through our phones. This allowed everyone to have a voice, even those who did not feel comfortable speaking up. The questions ranged from ‘How do you feel about your work-life balance?’ to ‘What makes you feel good about your work?’ and ‘How can we empower ourselves to have better work-life balance?’.

The variety of answers, or in some cases and less surprisingly, lack of variety, led to some very engaging and thought-provoking discussions. We ended with an update on the many events we have been invited to as a cohort this month and the upcoming events we are hosting as a committee.

Thank you to WDG for hosting!

If you have any questions, please reach out to Amber Robbs - Amber_robbs@gensler.com

January EAC Open committee meeting,

Goal Setting Workshop

Wednesday, January 10th, 6:00 - 7:30 pm.

Location: Torti Gallas + Partners,

At our January committee meeting, the group engaged in a goal setting exercise where everyone was able to identify personal motivations, potential challenges, and ways they look forward to celebrating accomplishment. It was great to share perspectives with one another about similar goals and connecting over exciting aspirations this year.

We were joined by Heidi Sohng, Youth Programs Manager at the Washington Architectural Foundation (WAF), who gave an introduction to the Architecture in the Schools (AIS) program. Several EAC members expressed interest in volunteering for the spring term. Other volunteer opportunities available through the WAF include the Lego Build class this February and the AIS fall term. If you would like more information about the programs or how to sign up, please contact Heidi at hsohng@aiadc.com.

We also gave an overview of the upcoming year and what topics we look forward to covering at each open discussion. Upcoming events include a building tour at Catholic University in collaboration with the Building Enclosure Council on March 20th, and the first installment of Architecture: Uncensored which we will organize as a group for May.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Amber Robbs - Amber_robbs@gensler.com

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